Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Famous Double Standard

We live in a world fueled by entertainment, that much is obvious. Whether it be who's screwing who, or who just got divorced after knocking up another person, they are constantly on our minds.
You hear all the time people saying "Celebrities are people too".
We say this all the time, but I wonder if anyone has even bothered looking deeper than the orginial context. When we badger celebrities for an autograph or their latest personal gossip, and others reply, saying, "They're only human, and we should treat them as such." Well, why doesn't that little saying carry over to when our infamous little celebrities get into a wee bit of trouble?
You can't tell me that if I got pulled over while driving and I got a DUI, that I would be told to go to rehab and that's it. Plus, if I was caught using drugs while still on probation for that little mess up earlier, they'd send me right back to rehab. Look at what fame and fortune can buy us...a "Get Out of Jail Free" card.
I totally agree that all people should get second chances, but what makes me upset is when celebrities get a few more second chances than others. If they are just people, too, as everyone claims, then let them fall for their own mistakes and go to jail, and atone for their actions the way we have to when we screw up.
What are our future generations going to treat the famous like? Will they just get a slap on the wrist and a stern talking-to? These questions have to come to mind when you think of our children and what they are being raised around. People like Paris Hilton, Britney Spears , and Lindsay Lohan, are setting horrid examples for the future leaders of our country.
Corruption is digging its roots even deeper to the psyche of the human mind, and telling us that it's all right to do these things, as long as you are rich or famous.
In conclusion I restate my earlier comment: If celebrites are people too, then treat them EXACTLY the same way we are...the good and the bad.

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