Thursday, January 31, 2008

Signs your dating a loser

Not surprisingly, losers come in all shapes and sizes. You have the cheaters, the nut-jobs, and--who could forget--the high-maintenance members of imaginary royalty. Often we can mistake pet-peeves and quirks for loser-like qualities: they’re a little messy when they eat, they have an obsession with High School Musical , or they have serious addiction to shopping. These things can be annoying and silly, but we all have things that make us who we are.

Relationships are meant to be about compromise A person who also seems to hide behind their exterior-side (AKA clothes, music, extreme desire to be different/fit in) can show that they are not comfortable with who they are. Some losers can be more detrimental than others. While some signs signal the conceited and emotionally-needy, others are red flags for abuse.

So watch for these clear signals:
1. Rough Treatment-They will hurt you on purpose. If they hit you, pull your hair, kick you, shove you, or break your stuff!
2. Quick Attachment-I Love You on the second date? Uh oh, sounds like shallow emotional and codependency! Run, run, run!
3. Frightening Temper-If they’re scary, you’re allowed to be scared. Anger happens, but don’t get that confused with hostility.
4. They Kill Your Self-Confidence-If they repeatedly puts you down, blames you for things you didn’t do, or is so self-involved that they ignore your feelings they’re emotionally abusing you. If they think you’re “not good enough” for them, it just goes to show they’re not good enough for you!
5. The Reputation-They have one, and it’s not good. Some losers will even elaborate on past bad stories, seeing them as victories or war-wounds that lead them to future entitlement. They’re not winners, they’re just plain losers.
6. The Mean and Sweet Cycle-One minute they’re happy, the next they’re sad. One minute they’re nice to you, the next, they hate you. Sound familiar? Don’t let them apologize for repeated behavior. Take it as a sign that they’re just unstable.
7. They Want Your Life-They’re paranoid when you’re out, they want you to hang out with only them, drop all your outside interests, and are making you crazy. Before you go psycho, get out!

So take a look at the person your dating...see any of the seven signs?

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