Tuesday, January 29, 2008


The internet and texting has brought on a whole new way of communication.
Check out this text message, for example:
sew lyke i totlally saw my bf jamey hangin wit kathy n i told dat ho 2 get away from mi man. WtF M i RiTe????1/?! i told the grrl that i wuz gunna KiCk hEr AzZZz ~~**LoLOLoL**~!!1 wut shud i do next??? luv <3rebbeca<3

I just don’t understand what Rebecca’s thinking here.(Note that Rebecca is not a real person)
No no, I can see why she wants to kick Kathy’s ass; it’s completely understandable to feel angry toward someone who you perceive as trying to steal a loved one away from you. The thing that confounds me about Rebecca is why she writes that way.
You’ll notice thousands of people text similar to this. The Internet’s degradation of the English language has become at once bad and familiar.

Who cares though, right? What’s the big deal if it doesn’t even matter? Well, it does matter.
If this nonsensical phrasing to continue, it’s going to spill over into places where it doesn’t belong. But before we tackle how to stop this problem, I’m going to show you why it’s a problem. Let’s analyze this entire trend of abuse towards language, shall we?
Here are the problems I see with the whole thing:

1.It’s difficult to read. Maybe I’m just too old to understand what you hip teens are doing these days, creating your own Internet terminology. When did the English language go out of style in favor of the complete bastardization of coherency? I challenge anyone to be able to read a passage like the aforementioned above without pausing to try to figure out what is being said at one point. Perhaps when typing something out like this, you’re attempting to stand out from the crowd and make yourself look more interesting than you are? Well, here’s the kicker about that—if you’re trying to stand out from the crowd, you’re only lumping yourself into a crowd of people that appear to not be able to grasp the concept of correct pronunciation. It does not look special. Ok, admittedly, I have seen some cool things done with ~~*things like this*~~ that have looked nice, but that only is acceptable in sprucing up your name to look pretty. Other than that, it is UsELeSs.

2.Complete lack of aesthetics. As mentioned above, there are rare instances when this works. However, 99% of the time, it renders whatever you are reading into an abomination of sloppy characters. It gives a connotation of immaturity, or even stupidity, as many probably assume that you cannot craft a sentence on your own. It’s ugly and makes you look stupid.

3.It’s not practical! The amount of time it took me to write that entire first paragraph is probably the same length of time needed to write the rest of this article. For a final payoff that is both obnoxious and difficult to read, why do so many continue to waste precious time purposefully misspelling words and adding random capital letters where they don’t belong? Do some of you honestly not know how to spell some words so you just make up how they sound through fonetix (spelled incorrectly to prove a point)?

4.You’re hurting your future. Typing in such a fashion, you grow accustomed to the constant use of poor grammar. What happens when it’s time to buckle down and write that huge research paper you left til the last minute? You’re going to have a much harder time than usual completing it because you will not be used to using proper grammar. P.S. Til is not a word!

5.Overall, there is no point.

So don’t just do yourself a favor, do the world a favor. Write and txet the right way. The future of the Internet is in your hands.

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